I found this cute blog template (to match my blog theme) when I first started my Wonderland for Dolls blog but unfortunately, there are some errors that I did not realized when choosing the template *_*
I was aware that some bloggers have difficulties when they want to post a comment on my blog and besides that, the date was not displayed on the post causing some confusion among some friends who visited my blog =_=''' Probably some might notice that my blog does not have a link at the bottom of the page to indicate "Previous post" or "Next post" which is not so user friendly after all...
Since I have finished one of my exam, I grab some time out to change my blog template ♥♥
Much simpler design but at least all the important informations are displayed on the post ♥♥
"Older posts" link are provided as well which is much user-friendly compared to the previous template n_n♥
Since I have finished one of my exam, I grab some time out to change my blog template ♥♥