Few months back, I made a preorder for the March release of Angelic Pretty collaborations but I drop Pullip Prupate for I wanted to get Dal Puki instead which is harder to find her these days locally n__n''' Besides that, Toy Malaysia offered some Purchase-with-Purchase options whereby with purchase of any Angelic Pretty March release, I'm entitled to buy a Little Dal or a Little Pullip at 50% price only *o* I took this opportunity to get Little Dal George and preordered Little Dal Puki n__n
こんばんは!Eliotです☆ 日曜日のお天気…台風が心配ですね。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 さて、2013年9月1日(日)は、ドールファンにはおなじみの、
日本最大の多ジャンルドール即売会、『ドールショウ38秋』が有りま [...]
11 years ago