A new pair of feet steps into Ralphina's lonely picture n_n
Madaleine is the member of our Rozene Family and Madaleine is not the only surprise but I have bought a new set of dress which is originally the stock outfit for Byul Cocotte (Angelic Pretty: Toy Parade)
♥Surprisingly Ralphina can fit in the dress and she looks kinda cute too n_n

Looks cute though the dress might be a little shorter for her height
Madaleine is cuter than in the pictures that I find in the internet
Both of them look cute standing together in Sweet Lolita style
Both Ralphina and Madaleine are quite a close sister to have similar style of pumps n_n
♥I think Ralphina's stock pumps matches Byul's stock dress well
♥They have matching bags for their dress and especially Madaleine's tea cup shaped pochette which matches her dress theme of Wonder Party ♥♥

Both of them look pretty and cute and I bet if Tiphona is in this picture she would look as lovely as they are
P/s: Thanks to Aiko Rin's information for the name of the AP dresses ^_n