Yesterday, I was so happy to see the PosLaju posman arrived at my doorstep with 2 big boxes which are Pullip My Melody and Pullip Hello Kitty n_n I was so delighted to receive them that I feel like almost jumping around my living room *o* I brought them into my bedroom instantly to open up the package *w* ♥
こんばんは!Eliotです☆ 日曜日のお天気…台風が心配ですね。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 さて、2013年9月1日(日)は、ドールファンにはおなじみの、
日本最大の多ジャンルドール即売会、『ドールショウ38秋』が有りま [...]
11 years ago