Yesterday I've receive a small little package from cool cat, Taipei which is for Ralphina n_n
Her pink boots has finally arrived n_n *excited*

I was surprised to see a pair of stripe pink socks when I turn the package around *o*

Not one but two pairs of stripe socks which are gifts from cool cat
♥♥ The boots were packed nicely in transparent boxes which fit them just right
Asides of the boots and socks, they have included a precaution note and a lovely thank you note
♥♥How I hope that holiday will come sooner so that I can have some time to snap shot Ralphina in her new boots =_='''
2 Doll Comments:
*__* zomg..
i love the bootss..
stripe sock is just love~~
Yeap and surprisingly that they gave me 2pairs of socks and they matched Ralphina's dresses n_n
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